What is CMYK vs RGB color spectrum?

CMYK and RGB are two different color models used to represent colors in different contexts:

  1. CMYK: CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). It is a subtractive color model primarily used in printing. In CMYK, colors are created by subtracting light from a white background. By combining different percentages of these four colors, a wide range of colors can be achieved. CMYK is commonly used in printed materials such as magazines, brochures, and banners.
  2. RGB: RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. It is an additive color model used in electronic displays like computer screens, TVs, and mobile devices. In RGB, colors are created by adding light to a black background. By varying the intensities of red, green, and blue light, a vast array of colors can be generated. RGB is the standard color model for digital images, web design, and any visual content displayed on electronic devices.

The key difference between CMYK and RGB is their primary use and the way colors are generated. CMYK is suited for printed materials, while RGB is used for electronic displays. When designing graphics or images, it's important to consider the color model required by the output medium to ensure accurate color reproduction.

3. Please note we cannot print in neon or fluorescent ink, but we will do our best to match the color you want in the mock up.

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